Just here for the comments: Lurking as literacy practice. Bristol University Press, UK. 2024
Articles and Contributions to Edited Volumes
(Forthcoming 2025) Seeing The Need: Reading The Hate U Give in a Community College Literacy Circle. MLA Introduction to The Hate U Give. (Ed) Brigitte Fielder.
(2024) Lurker Literacies: A Uses and Gratifications Study in Neighborhood Facebook Groups, New Media & Society.
(2021) Lim, E., Sipley, G., Siad, L.M., Tripodi, F., Perez, V. Declarations of interdependence: How media literacy practices are developed, negotiated, rejected, and exploited across social media platforms. Selected Papers of Internet Research. The Association of Internet Researchers. https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2021i0.12298 [P]
(2021) Sullivan, R., van Putten, C., Cole, E., Fulcher, K., Kruger, J., Sipley, G., Rigolino, R., Herman, J. Empowering Faculty to Design Technology-Enriched Student Learning: A Constructivist and Connectivist Hybrid MOOC. In P. Maki & P. Shea (Eds.), Transforming Digital Learning and Assessment. (pp.99-123). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
(2020) ‘Lurker’ Literacies: Living In/Through Neighborhood Facebook Groups. Selected Papers of Internet Research. The Association of Internet Researchers. https://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/spir/article/view/11331
(2019) Sullivan, R., Fulcher, K., Kruger, J. Sipley, G.,van Putten, C. Emerging technologies for lifelong learning and success: A MOOC for everyone. Journal of Educational Technologies. (47) 3. 318-336.
(2015) Translanguaging and biliteracy in a digital context: A study of BYOD in the community college. The English Record. 66 (1). 27-43.
(2007) A new narrative: Reading Langston Hughes’ literature for children as imagetext. To see the wizard: Politics and the literature of childhood. (Ed.) Laurie Ousley. Cambridge Scholars Press.
Book Review
(2016) Carpe librum: Seize the YA book: From STEM to STEAM: Finding and Redefining Female Tech Innovators in Literature. (Ed.) Pauline Skowron Schmidt English Journal. 105 (4). 98-100.
Public Writing (Op-Ed)
(2023)Building An Alternative to Academic Twitter Relies on Centering the Experiences of Lurkers. The London School of Economics Impact Blog.
(2022) On Saturday, March for Our Lives, The Herald
(2021) The Post-COVID Future of Academic Conferences. Republished by The London School of Economics Impact Blog. (Ed.) Michael Taster.
(2021) The Post-COVID Future of Academic Conferences. The Post Pandemic University: A Publication of the University of Cambridge College of Education Faculty. (Ed.) Mark Carrigan.
(2017) My Love Letter to Long Island Libraries. Newsday. (Ed.) Larry Striegel. July 2017
(2017) Scaling Mobile Technology for Community College Students. EdSurge. (Ed.)Tony Wan. August 2017.
(2015) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (August 2015) Why Children Who Play Succeed. Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2015) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (June 2015) Test-obsessed Instruction Leaves Little Room to Teach Race. Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2015) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (April 2015) Perverse Incentives Compel Teachers To Cheat. Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2015) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (March 2015) Turn Your Public Library Into A Kid Coding Community. EdSurge. (Ed.) Tony Wan.
(2015) What YA Novels Can Teach Us About Coming of Age Online: The Digital Tongue.” World of Words Blog Series. Eds. Jeanne Henry and Gina Sipley. The University of Arizona.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (December 2014) What’s Wrong With Using Data to Grade Teachers? Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. In Edtech Partnerships, Teacher Experience Matters - To An Extent. (June 2014) EdSurge. (Ed.) Tony Wan.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (June 2014) Ending Teacher Tenure is Short-Sighted. Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (June 2014) The Greening of the American Teacher. Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (April 2014) Give Educators the Drawing Board. EdSurge.(Ed.) Tony Wan.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (March 2014) Tech-ifying learning? Teacher knows best. Al Jazeera America. (Ed.) Jane Kim.
(2014) Sipley,G., Hall, M. (March 2014) Where are the Educators in the EdTech Revolution? EdSurge. (Ed.) Tony Wan.
(2013) Surpise! It's the Golden Age of Libraries. (October 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister and Thomas Page McBee.
(2013) Community Colleges Are More Rigorous Than You Realize.(October 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister and Thomas Page McBee.
(2013) Ohio's Plan to Stop Student Debt Won't Work-But It's The Start of Something. (August 2013) Mic.com. (Ed.) Sam Meister.
(2013) Black Girls CODE is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You. (July 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister.
(2013) Teach for America is Finally Getting the Scrutiny It Deserves.(July 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister.
(2013) Oregon Tuition Plan Could Revolutionize Higher Education. (July 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister.
(2013) Whose Fault Is It If Your Degree is Worthless? (June 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister.
(2013) No Online Education Will Ever Replace the Value of An Amazing Teacher (May 2013) Mic.com (Ed.) Sam Meister.
(2011) Humanities Grad Students Respond to William Pannapacker. (August 2011) Slate (Ed.) Juliet Lapidos.
(2022) Notes From Fish Island. New York Quarterly. (Ed.) Raymond Hammond. Issue 68.2
(2021) Meeting My Mother-In-Law. The Paterson Literary Review. (Ed. Maria Mazziotti Gillan). Winter 2021.
(2021) Saying Goodbye To A Friend. The Paterson Literary Review. (Ed. Maria Mazziotti Gillan). Winter 2021.
(2021) If I Could Change One Thing About My Mother’s Life. The Paterson Literacy Review. (Ed. Maria Mazziotti Gillan. Winter 2021.
(2015) The Why I Hate Facebook Poem. The Paterson Literary Review. (Ed.) Maria Mazziotti Gillan. Winter, 2015.
(2013) Shelter Drill, 1989. The Paterson Literary Review. (Ed.) Maria Mazziotti Gillan. Winter, 2013.
(2012) The Birth of the Mermaid. The Sierra Nevada Review. (Ed.) Jessie Alhandy. Spring 2012.
(2012) Blind Date With a Mermaid. The Sierra Nevada Review. (Ed.) Jessie Alhandy.
(2010) On Why I Cannot Contribute to this Cookbook. The Paterson Literary Review. (Ed.) Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Winter 2010.
(2008) My Grandmother. LIPS. (Ed). Laura Boss, Winter 2008.
(2007) What My Mother Never Told Me About Sex. LIPS. (Ed). Laura Boss, Winter 2007
(2007) Ichthyosis. The Healing Muse: A Journal of Literary Arts Published by the Center for Bioethics and Humanities at SUNY Upstate Medical. (Eds.) Deirdre Neilen and Rebecca Garden. Fall 2007.
(2004) This Never Ending Poem. Ugly Poets: Beautiful Poems. Lagoon Drive Press. (Ed.) Christie Casher.
(2002) Leftovers. Stirring. Sundress Publications. (Ed) Erin Elizabeth Smith.